Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Meatless: (Some Crazy Blue Pasta) with Marinated (Non) Heirloom Tomatoes

It's been hot as balls in my apartment since I returned from the states. Of course, the AC in my bedroom was working before Matt joined me in NY, but was blowing hot air once we returned. Not that it's relevant, but while we were gone, our kitchen cabinet fell out of the wall and into our sink, showering the room with glass. Three cheers for Fiestaware, which never breaks, no matter what ridiculous situation comes its way! Booo for Pyrex!

Yesterday, Matt told me that his office was putting together a care package for our buddy, who is deployed to Afghanistan. Matt asked me to bake chocolate chip cookies.

A care package to Afghanistan is the only reason in the world I'd happily and willingly turn my oven on today, so while the AC repairman was here replacing my old unit, I baked. It was still 95 degrees today, but at least there's been a steady breeze, which is more than I can say for the past few days.

Point is, I was not willing to cook much for dinner.

Maltagliati with Marinated Heirloom Tomatoes (pg 274 of Meatless) fit the bill, because I already had all the ingredients in my kitchen (thanks for the tomatoes, Amy!), and because the stove was only used to boil pasta and to slowly brown thin-sliced garlic in a heap of olive oil for ten minutes.

While the water is boiling, sliced tomatoes are left to marinate for a half hour in a mixture of lots of basil (1/4 cup), capers, lemon zest, red pepper flakes, salt, the garlic chips, and garlic-infused oil. Add the pasta, then stir in another 1/2 cup of basil.

This took a lot of basil. I would have destroyed my plant if I tried to cut 3/4 cup worth off of it, so I just trimmed as much as I was comfortable with and used that.

The recipe calls for maltagliatti, which I've never heard of, but appears, from the picture, to be a very wide, flat noodle. Very wide. I've learned, since living in Naples, that Italians are very strict about what pasta you eat with what sauce. There are rules, man. I, unfortunately (or fortunately. Does it really make a difference, most of the time?) don't know the rules, and so I had no qualms flouting Martha Stewart's pasta recommendation and just using what I had, which happened to be a blue and black farfalle. I bought it because it was blue. You know you would have done the same. The use of the blue pasta was also strategic. Charlie has been refusing dinner since we returned from NY, which means that he's deciding he's hungry at bedtime, being impossible to put down, and then waking up a lot at night. I think his hunger kicks in after I turn the AC on in his bedroom. I can't blame him. I don't like to eat when I'm hot, either. Surely, I thought, if anything could lure him to the table, it would be blue pasta. The blue-ness did help get the food in his mouth. The promise of a chocolate chip cookie dessert if he finished is what kept him eating, though. Success! He did eat (though he spit out every tiny piece of basil that passed his lips), and he slept through the night! At least now I'm mostly certain that the reason he's waking up is because he's hungry, and he's not just trying to send me to the loony bin.

I loved this pasta dish. The flavors were all so light and tomato-complementary that it was refreshing. It was simple to make, and that counts for a lot. My favorite bites included the garlic chips. Those things were gooood. I'd use more garlic next time, just to have more chips. Also love that blue pasta. There's not enough blue food in the world.

Matt grunted, "I like this. Really good." He proceeded to eat the entirety of what remained (commenting upon the absence of meat). Later, he asked me if there were leftovers. You ate them all. Remember? Regardless, ringing endoresements, all around.

Conclusion: Loved it.

1 comment:

  1. Heehee, you said "balls"! I think I may have to make this for dinner tonight.
